This summer Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, and Ben Stiller were in an action-filled comedy, Tropic Thunder. Jack Black played an actor with a mental disability, having to take medication to contain himself, while both Stiller and Downey Jr. played actors. There was great controversy surrounding Jack Black's character as a mentally ill actor. Groups boycotted against the film due to the way mentally ill individuals were portrayed. But what about the fact that Robert Downey Jr. was in "Blackface", playing an African American and adopting the slang and attitude of something that Hollywood portrays as Black? It was reminiscent of Minstrel Show days, when Caucasians painted their faces black, to portray a Black Actor in plays, during the days when the "Sambo Doll" came into existence.Yet, the fact that Jack Black played a mentally ill individual on medication is more controversial? Consider....
-When Sarah Palin was asked, "To Name a Supreme Court Case other Than Roe Vs. Wade, that has had a tremendous impact on US History", she froze, then subtly referred to one as "The one that discusses education." This "one discussing education" she is referring to was Brown Vs. Board of Education, the supreme court case that desegregated American Schools and allowed Students of color to be entitled to the same education as the majority. Yet, the main part of this interview that was highlighted was her view on foreign policy and facts about John Mccain's suspicious administrators. Consider.....
“Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.
“I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”
Now that Colin Powell has voiced his intentions on voting for Barack Obama, the Republican party is lashing out, saying that Colin Powell is only making this decision because Barack is "Black". Now, because of race, one of the most notable political figures of our generation is being questioned for his beliefs. The Excerpt above is the conservative we love to hate, Rush Limbaugh, discussing Colin Powell's motives.Not only that, now he is being called a "Muslim". So, in a democratic society, a notable political figure, is being questioned on his beliefs and feelings toward one of the most qualified, intelligent, and noteworthy presidential candidates to enter the Race to the White House since Reagan. To top it off, Powell is a Republican. Being questioned on his opinion and his faith. Land of the free right? Consider....
By no means am I trying to skew your opinions and views about African Americans in the media, or any of your political views. I am simply asking for you to consider the things put in front of you by the same people who are saying they are doing this for you. Consider......
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