So, I know everyone was wondering how the First Family was fresh ALL day on January 20th, and who had hands in making that possible. Well that's why I'm here =)
Malia and Sasha Obama kept it cute, and affordable in a sense, lol. Both of the girls had on custom J.Crew coats from their "Crewcuts" kids line. The coats were tailor made for the girls just for Inauguration Day. I'm pretty positive this won't be the only time they're worn though considering it -1000 degrees out here!!(in DC).
Michelle Obama was simply FLY AS HELL with her Isabel Toledo Dress and Jacket suit.If you were wondering why she wasn't wearing a coat, the designers did special alterations, adding a thick lining inside of the suit helping to insulate heat in the frigid weather. To match, she wore a pair of simple J.Crew leather gloves which actually added a touch of class to her fit overall(in my opinion). She actually wears a lot of J.Crew on the regular if you are familiar with their clothing and look at some of her past pictures.
Mr.President was not too flashy considering he had to keep safety first. Reports have shown that President Obama wore a bulletproof, water-resistant suit to the Inauguration events. The designer is said to be Miguel Caballero, a Colombian designer that produces business-like bulletproof clothing that is strong enough to stop a 9-mm revolver. Bottom line, my man was safe and kept the fashion for a later date.
I LOVE IT! leave it to a young,successful, Black Family to come to Washington and change the whole game!
♥ CaLiForNia LuV