Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Speech of the 44th President of the United States: Food for thought

Our hopes and dreams have been answered, Barack H.Obama is officially no longer the "President Elect". This is a clip of the first speech as the President of the United States. I hate to throw salt on the wound for some, but this clip does NO justice to how it felt to actually stand on the National Mall (parallel to the Washington Monument) and hear his voice echo across a sea of nearly 4 million people. I was 1 of 4 million and will never forget the people around me, and how it felt to walk away from that and say, "I was there."
(pictures up on my facebook for more footage fyi...)
♥ CaLiforNia Luv


Unknown said...

It was a truly historical day for the country. I was able to catch a few of the main events throughout the day from a wireless internet connection. Honestly I would not have been able to watch consistently throughout the day.. it is just far too long.

California Luv said...

It was wonderful....if you get a chance, go on They have footage from the entire day i believe. But the speech and the clips they have says it all...