Ok Potluck Fam, So I know everyone has seen this commerical which i suppose is supposed to be the new marketing strategy for McDonalds. However am I the only one that feels kinda weird when I see this?? I mean, a black dude singing about chicken....Like that's all we can do is make music videos and sing about chicken and orange soda?? Consider Potluck Fam....we gotta spark discussion.
For those who arent hip let me start off by giving a brief bio on these talented brothas from Chicago by way of New-York. The Hypnotic Brass Ensemble is a 9-piece, Chicago based jazz group featuring the 8 sons of Jazz great Phil Cohran on horns. These cats started as a street ensemble before recording in 2004. These guys have performed with the likes of Mos Def, Erykah Badu, and Maxwell & you can catch em all over the nation primarily in New-York.
I stumbled upon these cats reading the comments of an Asher Roth clip where him & Devin the dude were in the studio & they were goin-in over the trumpets of "Balicky Bone" (the first joint listed above). I instantly got chills & had to hear more which in turn had me on You-Tube until almost 3am. So what kind of guy what I be if I didnt share such musical greatness to the rest of the Potluck fam.... So if your a conniseur of good music sit back & enjoy greatness... **RO**
The V-Squad has had an incredible 08!! We have continually "put-on" in a lane of our own, month after month. From Potluck, Off the Wall, Double-Team to everyone's individual projects, the brand has been defined!
Major shouts to the entire team; Dj K-Nyce aka "The best Dj in the world", Garrett, Mike aka Steve Twerkle, Dj Step-1, Teddy, Paul, Serious, & Cali Luv! But we would be remiss if we did not shout out YOU... the extended Potluck/V-Squad family. Without your continued support we cant continue to do what we do, so thank you! **RO**
There were some classic joints but this was by far THEE funniest episode of Martin! I effin lose it at 7:18... Enjoy! "you ridin in limos & stuff!" LMAO!!! **RO**
This is the first piece of artwork for "So Far Gone", Drake's next OFFICIAL mixtape which is coming out in the next few weeks. Drizzy described the tape as "a conceptual journey of my life since January 2008 and its my way of telling the stories that people want to hear in a more entertaining fashion." This particular piece is done by Oliver's boy Darkie and it's an adaptation of a classic cover from the international affairs magazine "The Economist".
Ive been sayin this for a while now, but Drizzy is that dude! & Im sure this mixtape is gonna further solidify his spot as one of Hip-Hop's young gunners! I personally cant wait for this joint to drop! **RO**
My favorite band is putting out a video for my favorite song on Seeing Sounds & let me be the first to say, this sh*t is about to be STUUUUPPPPPIIIIIDDDDDD!!!!!!! (In a good way) **RO**
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen it's the "diddly" man himself. Shouts to Toine for the put-on cuz this ish is GRADE A COMEDY!!!!When I saw this, I had to post it. Heavy D decided to take us to his roots I suppose. I just wish he woulda done it when "Da Boys" could've sang on the hook or something.....smh. I agree Toine....we are CLEARLY in a recession.....LMAO! ♥CaLiForNiA LuV
Looks like i missed yet another dope ass show. I am so over being 3000 miles from the entertainment capital!!! UGH! Anywho....Kanye, T.I, and Busta did a show for Power106 on Tuesday. Looks like Ye' put on a show as always...kinda jealous cuz it looks like he gave more energy to L.A than he did to the show i was at. But it's cool, just means i hafta see him again....lol. Enjoy! ♥ CaLifoRniA LuV
On Tuesday Maroon 5 dropped this remix album that is a pretty dope fusion of their music merged with the sounds of other top notch producers in the game from Mark Ronson to Just Blaze.
Two of my favorites are the two posted below. The Cool Kids absolutely lace a Maroon 5 classic & Skateboard P gives us that Neptunes sound without taking away the essence of the song in the second joint. You can always expect some quality music from this camp so enjoy... **RO**
Okay, so a while back a few folks were over to the crib discussing who the hottest chicks in the game were, & we got into a heated debate over who is more of a problem between Lauren Mosley (Typo:London) & Megan Good. But the V-Squad/potluck fam is a good judge of character & has great taste, so can someone please set the record straight! **RO**
Can we say... banger??? Maybe its just me, but this joint definitely sounds like it coulda been on Trap Muzik! So gangstas... lean the seat back in ya Impala's, crank the volume on the JBL's, & zone out... **RO**
Pharrell absolutely went-in on the production of this joint for the remix. Its just something about that vintage Neptunes sound that makes me wanna do a cart-wheel & share cotton-candy with everyone... **RO**
If you follow the blog on a regular basis then Im sure you already know that R Les is a V-Squad favorite. This track is no different then what we've come to expect from this guy. (Sidenote: I will just re-emphasize to any aspiring producers/artists that it is a proven theory that if you throw the chant "Hey, Hey, Hey" in ANY song you damn near have a GUARANTEED hit.)Im no Barry Gordy but its just a suggestion... **RO**
Here is a cool new joint from Kid Cudi aka Mr. Solo Dolo. The beat is super solid & the synths create the mood of the track which allows Cudi to do his norm, so enjoy... (Shouts to 2dopeboyz) **RO**
We just could not let the day go by without ackowledging the significance of December 4th... So as I throw on my Pj's & sip the last of this Ace of Spades in celebration of Jigga-Man's 65th birthday,I would be remiss if I did'nt go to the medicine cabinet & pour some Nyquil on the ground for the late, great Chad Butler. So in one voice let us all say... "Now Holl-UP!!!" **RO**
Luda recently sat down with DJ Envy ( :) ) on Hip-Hop Nation. Luda dishes on being compared to wack rappers like Shawty Lo, his on again off again beef with T.I., and what its like laying down tracks with Jay-Z.
Don't forget that Luda's new Theater of the Mind is in stores NOW
Check out Hip-Hop Nation DAILY on Sirius Satellite channel 40.
The Varsity Squad is back at it with another installment of The Potluck! & honestly at this time we're feeling a little Hov-ish on some "What more can we say??". We unrelentingly go hard every time... Potluck brings a Great Time, Great Music, & Even better people. This time around special guests include Roscoe P Goldchain, AC Slater, Tina Fey, Robert Townsend, Hannah Montana & many more... **RO**
Im usually not a fan of the Cool & Dre/Khaled influenced track but I cant front, this joint is wicked! & it makes me wanna toss a hater a beating! LMAO!! Sidenote: The breakdown at 3:39 is freakin naasssttyyy!! **RO**
Not yet available online, Crooks & Castles dropped this “Bullet” USB Drive/necklace earlier this year at the Magic Show. Currently available at their flagship store, this is the perfect stocking stuffer for the fake thug on your list :)
How bout I actually saw a guy get jumped by 3 dudes for these kicks, & Im still wondering which one of em got to wear the shoes or did they allocate days of the week to who rocked em... (Just Thirsty!)
Nevertheless, I would venture to say that the 11's were THE dopest J's to ever hit the market!!! & They are slated for a re-release on December 28th 2008 for the low price of $310! LOL!!! (Would I be wrong for letting "The Man" cut my gas off in the name of the dopest J's ever???) **RO**
If your like myself then you were introduced to this kid by hearing his remix of Flashing Lights which was outrageous. This guy is super talented from his production credits to the diversity in his arrangements & song writing.
Nevertheless he's back with a mixtape that is an absolute JAMMER!! (Shouts to Eskay) Wale absolutely goes-in on the first joint... "This game we play is alot like spades, a heart means nothing if two Jokers in the way" SHEESH! & The second joint is effin craaaazzzzyyyy!! Sidenote: If you dont think Drake is up next, YOUR STUPID! Yeah I said it... **RO**