Saturday, January 31, 2009
Remember This?? PURE COMEDY!!
Yo...this is HILARIOUS!!! I remember seeing this when it actually came on TV(mind you I was like 12 or something), and I was crying laughing! The comedian, Rasheed Thurmond actually passed away in 2007 from a heart attack and he was only 36 years old. But this set is by far something that he will be remembered for. Sidenote: The last part when he talks about the Jamaicans in NY, dead ass my experience was just like that when I went to Queens which is why it was so damn funny to me! LOL!
♥CaLiForNiA LuV
Louis Vuitton "Soccer" Monogram Bag

I am pretty sure you can't find this anywhere right now because it's probably 7 seasons ahead of schedule (or not in production), but this bag is toooooo MEAN! Granted, it does look a lot like a moving soccer ball but still....if i had this on my arm? I would walk around with a damn uniform on and still be bad!! LOL! Looks like you guys have to start saving up because August is closer than you think! (Shouts to 'Ye's Blog!!)More info forthcoming..
Teedra Moses- Love Devine
She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack,and I am probably the MOST excited...produced by 9th Wonder, she brings me back to some Mary and Meth type ish! I think the fellas are really gonna like this one, she goes in for ya'll on our behalf, lol. Enjoy!
♥ CaLiFoRNiA LuV
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Rick Ross ft John Legend: "Magnificent"
Lil Wayne: "Rockstar" & "Filet Mignon"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Coming Soon...
GQ Names Andre Benjamin "Best New Designer in America"

Benjamin Bixby
Founded: 2008, New York and Atlanta
Designer: André Benjamin (a.k.a. André 3000), 33
The philosophy: “During OutKast’s Stankonia period, I looked like I was from Mars. The music was otherworldly, and my character reflected that. I wanted to put that spirit into classic clothes, but ones that people could actually wear.”
The look: “I think the cut of Benjamin Bixby comes from comic-book characters, which I’ve been drawing since I was a kid. In comic books, the waist is always pinched, but the legs are full-cut, kind of like the Cracker Jack man.”
The influence: “In high school, in Atlanta, when Grand Puba told us to wear Girbaud jeans, I wore Girbaud jeans. Then you had this prep movement happening: Ralph Lauren, Eddie Bauer, Bass, Sebago, and Timberland. So imagine me walking through [local housing project] Bowen Homes in the morning to catch the bus, but I’m dressed like a prep. As you get older, you go back to those things.”
Congrats 3-Stacks!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Colin Munroe & Wale Rehearse "WIll I Stay"
This joint was one of my fav's from The Unsung Hero mixtape, but needless to say its a freakin jammer! And although its super belated, major shouts to Fal-Boogs for the Colin Munroe put-on! LOL!
Ron Browz: "Jumpin Out The Window"
LOL!!!! This might be the weakest video I've seen in a long time.... But the song is still low-key a jammer!
Jay-Z: "When The Money Goes"
Taking it Back!! Jay-Z: "Imaginary Player"
First of all, this is one of the BEST songs he's ever made. Second of all, I did not they had a video for this!!!! I'm mad excited!!! LOL! (Don't judge me) This definitely a song for the PotLuck set. (hint, hint!!!) I should be a DJ... =)
♥CaLiForNia LuV
Jamie Foxx-"Weekend Lover"
If you all haven't heard Mr. Foxx's new album yet, you may not be disappointed! I like more than just a few tracks and this happens to be my fave! Definitely a woman-pleaser, LOL!
♥CaLiForNia LuV
Monday, January 26, 2009
Drake ft Lil Wayne & Santogold: "Unstoppable" (Remix)
The Cool Kids: "Pennies"
The Cool Kids are back with another bass heavy banger that is sure to make your cheap speakers fart!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Artist Formely known as.......Kanye??? (shouts to Ye'sBlog)
Kanye Louis Vuitton Sneaker Collection-A Lil Something for the Ladies!

Well I don't have much of the details for the name of the line and when they'll be released, but all I know is that these sneakers are toooo MEAN!!! You all may have seen the ones that were released at the Louis Vuitton Fashion Show during Paris Fashion Week this past week. During the show, Ye's fire red LV sneakers were showcased on the runway. Bottom line ladies, put this on ya man's TO-DO LIST! =)(shout to Ye's Blog)
♥ CaLiForNiA LuV
OKAAYY!!!!! IM RELOADED!!: "PoTLucK edition"

Seeing as to how we are the peoples champ, we gotta give the people what they want... & the people want PoTLuck! "Hip-Hop since 1975" is the vibe we're bringin this time around.
Special Invited guests include... Chance from VH1's "Real Chance of Love", Hell Rell, The Ultimate Warrior, Young Berg's chain, & Barry Cofield of the New York Giants (In real life)...
Dot Da Genius in The Studio w/ Kid Cudi
01.22.09 Dot Da Genius In The Studio w/ Kid Cudi from Franz on Vimeo.
Dot Da Genius is definitely a cat to be on the lookout for in 09, not to mention Cudi's album is about to be stoopid! (shouts to herfection)
Red The Homeless BeatBoxer
Check out Red the homeless Beat Boxer, as legend has it he showed up outside the HVW8 gallery and started beat boxing. Heres the video of him performing his original song "I should tell ya mama on you" - T-pain better look out, this dudes auto tune is natural.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Lilly Allen: "Womanizer"
Lilly is once again "jackin for beats" & she absolutely puts her swag all over this joint & makes it an absolute Jammer! (Sorry Brit... you have just been Weezy'd) Sidenote: New Lilly Allen album "Its Not Me It's You" coming Feb 10!!!!!
Ryan Leslie: "I Know What You Like" (Studio Session)
I Know What You Like! from Ryan Leslie on Vimeo.
This clip here is another testament as to why this guy is the V-Squad Golden Child! His talent is freakin insurmountable... This guy is THE COLDEST in the game to say the least... Ryan Leslie's long awaited self titled album is being released Feb 10th (shouts to herfection)
Beyonce Performs Etta James' "At Last" at the inaugural ball...
That was absolutely beautiful... (NO SLANG)
Jay Z Speaks on Blue Print III...
Yawn... Enough with the small talk, just drop the album already Grandpa!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Look @ My President!!!!

He hasn't even been here 24 hours yet and is already making moves....Issuing rules to overpaid White House officials, Lobbyists that are getting carried away, making calls to Israelite officials,and co-signing on my Maserati....
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
Check HER Fresh: Inaugural Ball Edition

The president wore white tie, while Michelle shimmered in a white, one-shouldered, floor-length gown. It was embellished from top to bottom with white floral details and made by 26-year-old New York designer Jason Wu.-Yahoo
As you all have probably heard, the First Lady had nearly 15 dresses to choose from, and had no idea which one she was going to choose on the night of the Inauguration Balls and Galas she had to attend with her husband. But out of all of them she chose Jason Wu, a young, up and coming Taiwanese designer out of New York. He is known for his embellishing silhouettes, especially when making evening gowns. He attended Parsons School of Design (in NY, NY for those that don't watch 'Project Runway', lol) and has auditioned for the likes of Carolina Herrera, Oscar De La Renta and more. I like him because his fashion is very contemporary and upbeat, but captures a suttle vintage, stylish type feel. CONGRATS MR. WU! Job well done on making our new First Lady look like a million bucks!
♥ CaLiForNiA Luv
Check My Fresh: Inaugural Edition

So, I know everyone was wondering how the First Family was fresh ALL day on January 20th, and who had hands in making that possible. Well that's why I'm here =)
Malia and Sasha Obama kept it cute, and affordable in a sense, lol. Both of the girls had on custom J.Crew coats from their "Crewcuts" kids line. The coats were tailor made for the girls just for Inauguration Day. I'm pretty positive this won't be the only time they're worn though considering it -1000 degrees out here!!(in DC).
Michelle Obama was simply FLY AS HELL with her Isabel Toledo Dress and Jacket suit.If you were wondering why she wasn't wearing a coat, the designers did special alterations, adding a thick lining inside of the suit helping to insulate heat in the frigid weather. To match, she wore a pair of simple J.Crew leather gloves which actually added a touch of class to her fit overall(in my opinion). She actually wears a lot of J.Crew on the regular if you are familiar with their clothing and look at some of her past pictures.
Mr.President was not too flashy considering he had to keep safety first. Reports have shown that President Obama wore a bulletproof, water-resistant suit to the Inauguration events. The designer is said to be Miguel Caballero, a Colombian designer that produces business-like bulletproof clothing that is strong enough to stop a 9-mm revolver. Bottom line, my man was safe and kept the fashion for a later date.
I LOVE IT! leave it to a young,successful, Black Family to come to Washington and change the whole game!
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
Inaugural Speech of the 44th President of the United States: Food for thought
Our hopes and dreams have been answered, Barack H.Obama is officially no longer the "President Elect". This is a clip of the first speech as the President of the United States. I hate to throw salt on the wound for some, but this clip does NO justice to how it felt to actually stand on the National Mall (parallel to the Washington Monument) and hear his voice echo across a sea of nearly 4 million people. I was 1 of 4 million and will never forget the people around me, and how it felt to walk away from that and say, "I was there."
(pictures up on my facebook for more footage fyi...)
♥ CaLiforNia Luv
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
TI ft Snoop & Wyclef : "Holla If You Hear Me"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
KiD CuDi x Ryan Leslie in the Studio
Ryan Leslie x Kid Cudi @ studio from Vernonmac on Vimeo.
The C-Town native commisioned the assistance of V-Squad golden child; Mr. R Les & it looks as though they are definitely cooking up some of that Grade A piffington! (Major Shouts to Heather @
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wyclef ft Timbaland: "War On Our Hands"
Juelz Santana: "Lets Cruise"
"Notorious B.U.M" (shouts to Ye's Blog)
"Got the game so tight, it's unsqueezable!!" LMAO!
♥CaLiFoRniA LuV
Run DMC: New Inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

The Fathers of Hip-Hop Culture finally get their recognition, joining the Class of 2009 inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Run DMC has continued to let their legacy live on through philanthropist work with Russell Simmons' RUSH Foundation, Facilitating the education of up and coming DJ's at the late Jam Master Jay's 24/7 Studios in the groups' hometown of Queens, New York, and sharing fundamental family values with Reverend Run on the hit reality TV show, Run's House on MTV. Not to mention the everlasting culture of Hip-Hop that has continued to stand strong throughout nearly 30 years of the Hip-hop generations. Thank You Reverend Run, DMC, and Jam Master Jay for our culture! Congratulations!
♥CaLiForNiA LuV
Look @ My President!! :Ben's Chili Bowl in DC
Uncle Barack is finally in the District (well he been here for a minute, lol)! This is a video of he and Mayor Fenty (Howard U Grad and Mayor of DC)getting some half smokes and chili fries!! Check his swag's mean! He talks like a young 25 year old man and I love it! Five days ya'll...
♥CaLiForNiA LuV
Inauguration: 5 days away, Letter to Sasha and Malia Obama

Despite all of the hustle and bustle, Uncle Barack (as Ro would say) took time to make sure that no matter what happens, the girls, Sasha and Malia, are first. Make sure you got some kleenex, and a thank you card for your dad when you've reached the end, lol =)
♥CaLiForNia LuV
Dear Sasha and Malia,
When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me-about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn't seem so important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn't count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end, girls, that's why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.
I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their potential-schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill in them a sense of wonder about the world around them. I want them to have the chance to go to college-even if their parents aren't rich. And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own kids and retire with dignity.
I want us to push the boundaries of discovery so that you'll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach beyond the divides of race and region, gender and religion that keep us from seeing the best in each other.
Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous situations to protect our country-but when we do, I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason, that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully, and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women safe. And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free-that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation comes great responsibility.
That was the lesson your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age, reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for equality because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean something.
She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better-and that the unfinished work of perfecting our union falls to each of us. It's a charge we pass on to our children, coming closer with each new generation to what we know America should be.
I hope both of you will take up that work, righting the wrongs that you see and working to give others the chances you've had. Not just because you have an obligation to give something back to this country that has given our family so much-although you do have that obligation. But because you have an obligation to yourself. Because it is only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential.
These are the things I want for you-to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world. And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have. That's why I've taken our family on this great adventure.
I am so proud of both of you. I love you more than you can ever know. And I am grateful every day for your patience, poise, grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House.
Love, Dad
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
88 Keys ft B.I.G. & Kanye West: "Stay Up" (Nyce Mix)
Varsity Squad Presents.... "It Was All a Dream" (Friday Jan 16th)

The V-Squad in conjunction with The League Crew, da Entourage, & the Usual Suspects are providing the folks with another good time. However this time its even more special because we're celebrating the late, great Frank White.
So we just ask that you give the V-Squad One more chance to Kick in the door,& Hypnotize you as we Party & Bullsh*t...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Happy 50th Anniversary Motown!
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge & wish a happy belated 50th anniversary to the musical power-house we've come to know as Motown.
Charles Hamilton: "Lemme Know"
Drake ft Mickey Factz & Travis McCoy: "Overdose On Life"
"Rest in peace to Pimp C life is not a game, takn over the world no Pinkey just alotta brain..." SHEESH! Shouts to the homey King for the put-on...
NOTORIOUS: 3 Days left...
The more & more I see the trailers Im startn to become a believer...
Big Man: "F*ck Me Thru the Phone" (Soulja Boy Parody)
This sh*t is comedy! "Ba-Bay you is not my wi-fey I will buy you white tees..." LOL!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
M.I.M.S.- "Bread & Butter"
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Gucci?? Smh.........LOL!
Now don't get me wrong....I love Mr. Le Fleur.....but this ish right here??? HILARIOUS!!! Now I'm pretty sure this isn't him as a youngster, but man...if it is, he'll never live this down! His first punchline is outrageous!! LMAO! (Shouts to Gianni Brown for the put on)
♥ CaLiForNiA LuV
Beyonce ft. R. Kelly- If I Were A Boy (the response) LOL! Sorry Pied Pedo.......I don't think this was the best move..I'll let ya'll decide.
♥CaLiForNiA LuV
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Rhianna ft Chris Brown: "Bad Girl"
Will.i.Am: "She's a Star"
This track is super cool & the video has some craaazzzyyy imagery! Not to mention his album "Songs About Girl's" was one of the most slept on albums of 2007...
Wale, Tabi Bonney & UCB (Live)
Wale, Tabi Bonney, UCB LIVE from Expressive Frontier Lifestyle TV on Vimeo.
Gotta luv DC! (Shouts to Eskay for the put-on)
ATTENTION!!! Jay-Z Hosts historical concert inauguration weekend in DC!

Essence.Com reports:
The biggest star in hip-hop is planning a one-night-only concert in Washington, D.C.’s Warner Theater on January 19. Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter will celebrate President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration with An Evening with Jay-Z in Concert on The Eve of Change. Tickets go on sale through Ticketmaster or on Friday, January 9, according to The Baltimore Sun.
Nuff said....Im in the building for sure..If you are anywhere in the DMV @ this time, make it your mission to be there! As soon as the lineup is revealed the Potluck fam will be updated....IM SO EXCITED!!!!!
♥ CaLifoRniA LuV
Check His Fresh (and others)!: Notorious Premiere

I was browsing on Ye's Blog today...and he had the pics posted from the 'Notorious' movie premiere which i believe took place last night (don't quote me). It was just some regular pics of the young, fly, rich, and flashy, but my brother never ceases to catch my eye.I really like his style right now.I know it's no different from what everyone is doing with the puffy vest and flannel element, but it looks good on him! I put Diddy in the mix as well cuz he just continuously steps out, and Mary for that MEAN Gucci Foil clutch she got hangin' (I know I'm a super label whore....sue me, lol)! Soooo a post will be forthcoming on where to find the clutch...Enjoy!
♥CaLiforNia LuV
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Bow Wow ft Jermaine Dupri: "Roc The Mic"
"MY BIG BROTHER WAS... DA BRAT'S BROTHER???" Eh... Eff it! I personally like the song, & that makes me no less of a G!
Rich Boy: "Drop" prod by Polow da Don
Eminem ft Dr Dre & 50 Cent : "Crack A Bottle"
Look @ My President...
Check out Uncle Barack, he told the nay sayers years ago... I do this! & YES WE DID!
David Alan Greer as "Peanut Wiggins": Hilarious!!
On a hard night of studying....i was distracted by the usual suspects (facebook and youtube) and came across this hilarious video (shouts to Maltbia!). Despite the coonish connotation of the show this is tooo damn funny not to post. You know how older women like make up words, and you aren't quite sure if the word fits, but you let it ride anyways?? LOL! Enjoy...
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
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