Thursday, October 30, 2008
Concert For Change: Jay-Z/Barack Obama (Cleveland)
These clips do the show no justice at all, & I was honored to be a witness to such an event. I cant even think of anything "cool" to say to describe the magnitude of the show, but I can say that an experience like that will forever be with the kid...
4 Days Away......
"The Obama Dream Team" makes a PSA on the Bad Boy Records Youtube channel (Shouts to Diddy). If they can do it, you can too! YES WE CAN!
♥ CaLiforNia LuV
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ride (remix): Ace Hood ft Juelz Santana, Rick Ross, Trey Songz (Guest starring every rapper in the effin world)
Wow... I think Ace-Hood has officially broken the record for the most cameo's ever in a single video. Im just hopin we can get the same kinda turnout at the polls on November 4th!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tweet: "Cruisin"
Ms. "Oops" is back on the scene in full effect... Ive been informed that Im late on the Tweet 08 bandwagen, but when I heard it there was no question if it was blog worthy. This one here is jammer that Im sure the Pot-Luck fam will get with so enjoy...
Guess Who's Bizzack... (Maxwell edition)
One of the original pioneers of the Neosoul movement is back on the scene & working on his upcoming release "Black Summer's Night". Im just curious if it'll be able to hold a candle to the critically acclaimed, fan favorite "Urban Hang Suite"...
Sincerely... The Ambassadors of Hip-Hop

A few of Hip-Hop's heavyweights have collaborated to write a letter stressing the necessity of everyone to cast their vote on Nov 4th (Shouts to YBF)...
It ain’t over, until it’s over. There is still so much work to be done. The thrill of victory is just 1 week away. We hear it in the streets, we feel it in our hearts and it’s burning in our souls. Together we have successfully registered the most young voters in the history of the modern political process. We called a State Of Emergency on October 3rd at 6:00AM and our culture stood up and recognized the importance of registering millions of voters. From 1st time voters who have just come of age to vote, to those who are participating for the 1st time in the voting process. Your commitment to Change will continue to ring across our America, because we all are in the Right State Of Mind.
Where it stands today, we are on the verge of making history, the kind of history that will be apart of our cultures legacy. The kind of history that bridges the gap between race, religion and culture, the kind of history that will ignite a light that shines bright from generation to generation, screaming that our voice does matter and our vote does count. The kind of history that will enable the next generation of leaders to encourage vision, not division, to encourage hope, not hopelessness, to encourage the power of the people, not the power politics of the few.
With only 7 days left before we vote for change, let’s hold ourselves accountable and responsible. No more excuses, no more mistakes and no more time to waste. If you have the opportunity to vote early in your state then vote today. If you are voting on November 4th, make preparation today. Bring your family and friends and plan for the party at the polls. Make November 4th the day we celebrate change - The day we celebrate freedom of choice. The day we celebrate power of all people. Lets all come together on November 4th, because it’s a family reunion. It’s our time and we are all in the Right State Of Mind.
We have 7 days to Vote for Change. 7 days to Vote to Make History. We can not slow down. We can not let up. We must push through to history until the final vote is cast and the last ballot is counted. We can, we must, and we will Make It Happen. Vote Obama/Biden on November 4th.
God Bless,
Mary J. Blige
Kevin Liles
Mick Boogie presents... "Viva La Hova"
Monday, October 27, 2008
Drake ft Trey Songz: "Pop Rose"
Just When You Thought it was Over...Racism 2008

Associated Press reported today that two young men from a white supremacy group were plotting to go on a "National Killing Spree". This would entail killing 88 young African-Americans at a predominately African-American high school, while decapitating 14 of the 88. Both the numbers "88" and "14" are significant figures in the world of white supremacy for the reasons as follows (reported by AP):
The numbers 14 and 88 are symbols in skinhead culture, referring to a 14-word phrase attributed to an imprisoned white supremacist: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H. Two "8"s or "H"s stand for "Heil Hitler."
The final feat of the spree would be the assassination of Barack Obama. Both individuals expressed that they were "willing to die" during the attempt.
More information available by clicking on the link:
This is by far the most startling thing I have heard throughout this entire election season. Just when we feel like we've striven just a little, we're closer to death than we think. I ask all African-Americans on November 4th, 2008, exercise your right not only to vote, but to show that Obama has a backbone in this country. There are people that do not want to see him succeed. Let's prove them wrong! YES WE CAN!
♥ CaLiFoRniA LuV
Our Deepest Condolences....
Babies For Obama!! - Shouts to Diddy
Diddy officially wins the title for "Cutest Kids in the Game". Jesse James and D'lila Star are very vocal in their endorsement for Barack Obama, with Daddy as their cosigner. The kids can't even spell politics! LOL! I love it though.He also makes a quick plug seeing that his birthday falls on the same day as Election Day. Diddy's gettin' ready to have the craziest party in '08 hands down! Special appearance by Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Ma$e! I need a quick connect ASAP...smh.
♥CaLifoRniA LuV
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Q-Tip ft Raphael Saadiq: "We Fight/Love"
This joint has a super cool groove to it so cool-out & enjoy...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I know some of you have already voted. But for those that haven't, some of the biggest names in Hollywood have teamed up to make a PSA of the do's and don'ts on election day, November 4th, 2008(shouts to Please listen intently so we can have a smooth election day and get Mr. Obama in the Oval Office. YES WE CAN!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Laugh of the Century-"Scarlet takes a Tumble"
Shouts to the UGSA office for the put-on, LMAO! This is by far the funniest thing I think I've seen in 2008. Like real talk. #1:Her seriousness with the whole singing thing, #2: The heel shot she gives the audience during her performance as she commences to get on the table,and #3: the aftermath of the fall (you gotta listen to her-RMAO)Jesus Effin is the best man...
♥ CaLiForniA LuV
Keri Hilson-Slow Dance
I have been bumpin this track for the last month, but kept forgetting to post it! Her new album is gettin ready to be bananas mark my words.....Sidenote: She writes for Beyonce...hence the style of this song, you can probably identify a couple of others she writes for too on this track...just listen. ENJOY!
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
Remember This??? - LMAO!

I was reading this interview that Tracy Morgan did recently (shouts to Bossip), and he mentioned that John McCain made him reminicent of Teddy Ruxpin! I damn near fell outta my bed I laughing soooooo freakin hard! He is a clown! So I figured I'd take the potluck fam, back to the Potluck when you were around four or five, carrying your raggedy ass Teddy Ruxpin. The bear probably collected enough germs to infect your whole household! Yet, he was still your Ace Boon at the end of the day (or maybe that was just me, lol) Shouts to T.Ruxpin! Lol...
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
Minus The Bear: "Throwin Shapes"
This joint is a first class trip to Jamtowne USA... Not to mention the video is SWWWEEEETTTTT! Sidenote: Not even Lebron can see me on the air court! Ask about me...
Paramore: "Thats What You Get"
I gotta reluctantly admit... I am damn near 8 months late to this joint, but it goes so extremely hard I had no choice but to post it inspite of my utter embarassment. The music gods shall punish me for my delinquent presentation of such a jammer.
(Big-ups to "The song-bird" for the put on...)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
E-40 ft Shawty Lo: "Break Your Ankles"
The homey Lil Jon dun found his swag!(Even though you can name about 5 songs it sounds like)... Nevertheless I like it!
Ron Browz ft Lil Kim & Ludacris: "Pop Champagne"
This muthufu*a is bout to have the clubs goin freakin bannanas!!!!!!! (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY POTLUCK!)
Big Sean & Pharrell Studio Session Part 1
Ive been telling cats about this kid for a minute & folks are slowly but surely starting to pay attention, but here is peak into a studio session of him & Skateboard cookn up that musical piffington...
Consider this....
With just 3 weeks left until the most historic election in US History, politicians and US citizens alike are not hesitating to pull out all stops when proving to Americans who is the better candidate. Racism and Predjudice has been one of the most prevalent topic in dealing with voters, because the potential of the first African American President is very likely. But some of the remarks, ads, statements, and motives have been quite disturbing. Just how far will the media push the envelope before something is contested. So I ask you, Potluck Fam, to consider the following....

This summer Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, and Ben Stiller were in an action-filled comedy, Tropic Thunder. Jack Black played an actor with a mental disability, having to take medication to contain himself, while both Stiller and Downey Jr. played actors. There was great controversy surrounding Jack Black's character as a mentally ill actor. Groups boycotted against the film due to the way mentally ill individuals were portrayed. But what about the fact that Robert Downey Jr. was in "Blackface", playing an African American and adopting the slang and attitude of something that Hollywood portrays as Black? It was reminiscent of Minstrel Show days, when Caucasians painted their faces black, to portray a Black Actor in plays, during the days when the "Sambo Doll" came into existence.Yet, the fact that Jack Black played a mentally ill individual on medication is more controversial? Consider....
-When Sarah Palin was asked, "To Name a Supreme Court Case other Than Roe Vs. Wade, that has had a tremendous impact on US History", she froze, then subtly referred to one as "The one that discusses education." This "one discussing education" she is referring to was Brown Vs. Board of Education, the supreme court case that desegregated American Schools and allowed Students of color to be entitled to the same education as the majority. Yet, the main part of this interview that was highlighted was her view on foreign policy and facts about John Mccain's suspicious administrators. Consider.....
“Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.
“I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”
Now that Colin Powell has voiced his intentions on voting for Barack Obama, the Republican party is lashing out, saying that Colin Powell is only making this decision because Barack is "Black". Now, because of race, one of the most notable political figures of our generation is being questioned for his beliefs. The Excerpt above is the conservative we love to hate, Rush Limbaugh, discussing Colin Powell's motives.Not only that, now he is being called a "Muslim". So, in a democratic society, a notable political figure, is being questioned on his beliefs and feelings toward one of the most qualified, intelligent, and noteworthy presidential candidates to enter the Race to the White House since Reagan. To top it off, Powell is a Republican. Being questioned on his opinion and his faith. Land of the free right? Consider....
By no means am I trying to skew your opinions and views about African Americans in the media, or any of your political views. I am simply asking for you to consider the things put in front of you by the same people who are saying they are doing this for you. Consider......

This summer Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, and Ben Stiller were in an action-filled comedy, Tropic Thunder. Jack Black played an actor with a mental disability, having to take medication to contain himself, while both Stiller and Downey Jr. played actors. There was great controversy surrounding Jack Black's character as a mentally ill actor. Groups boycotted against the film due to the way mentally ill individuals were portrayed. But what about the fact that Robert Downey Jr. was in "Blackface", playing an African American and adopting the slang and attitude of something that Hollywood portrays as Black? It was reminiscent of Minstrel Show days, when Caucasians painted their faces black, to portray a Black Actor in plays, during the days when the "Sambo Doll" came into existence.Yet, the fact that Jack Black played a mentally ill individual on medication is more controversial? Consider....
-When Sarah Palin was asked, "To Name a Supreme Court Case other Than Roe Vs. Wade, that has had a tremendous impact on US History", she froze, then subtly referred to one as "The one that discusses education." This "one discussing education" she is referring to was Brown Vs. Board of Education, the supreme court case that desegregated American Schools and allowed Students of color to be entitled to the same education as the majority. Yet, the main part of this interview that was highlighted was her view on foreign policy and facts about John Mccain's suspicious administrators. Consider.....
“Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.
“I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”
Now that Colin Powell has voiced his intentions on voting for Barack Obama, the Republican party is lashing out, saying that Colin Powell is only making this decision because Barack is "Black". Now, because of race, one of the most notable political figures of our generation is being questioned for his beliefs. The Excerpt above is the conservative we love to hate, Rush Limbaugh, discussing Colin Powell's motives.Not only that, now he is being called a "Muslim". So, in a democratic society, a notable political figure, is being questioned on his beliefs and feelings toward one of the most qualified, intelligent, and noteworthy presidential candidates to enter the Race to the White House since Reagan. To top it off, Powell is a Republican. Being questioned on his opinion and his faith. Land of the free right? Consider....
By no means am I trying to skew your opinions and views about African Americans in the media, or any of your political views. I am simply asking for you to consider the things put in front of you by the same people who are saying they are doing this for you. Consider......
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ghita by Alexis Phifer

Ye's Miss Independent, Alexis Phifer, is finally getting her new line off the ground just in time for the fall season. The line is called GHITA, and was established in 2005. It has been featured in New York Fashion Week, Los Angeles Fashion Week,and the famous Homecoming at Howard Fashion Show.GHITA, stands for a gem, or "pearl of the sea". Its pieces are very classy, yet sexy. Phifer also has incorporated evening wear and business wear for the elegant and professional woman.You can find some items in Intermix, and Fred Segal. For more info, go to
I love her lines! Her Ready to wear line for fall 2008 is real hot! Take a look ladies..I think you'll like. Sidenote: If her and Ye' put their heads together for Ye's line, Pastelle, that's gonna be bananas!
♥CaLiforniA LuV
Homecoming @ Howard 2008- The Recap
This weekend concluded one of the biggest Homecomings in the nation, the one and only HOWARD UNIVERSITY!!! All in all, it was a fantastic weekend, and I figured I'd give yall the included!
Thursday-Fashion Show was off the chain!! Hot Music,Great Models, and hot clothes! Ye's Fiance, Alexis Phifer's line, GHITA, was featured in the show as well. She had some dope pieces for my ladies!! For more info on GHITA go to!

Friday-HU's annual Yardfest popped off in a major way this year! From top to bottom, we had some amateur acts such as PS out of Chicago, Illinois, and Young Steff out of NYC. Big names such as Keri Hilson, Ace Hood, Trey Songz, Big Kuntry King, Alfamega(another member of T.I's camp), Maino, UCB (a go-go band out of DC) and two of my faves, WaLe, and Ryan Leslie. WaLe killed it, while bringing out famous movie/video director Chris Robinson to film part of WaLe's "Nike Boots" Video @ yardfest!!! He also brought out Bun B(R.I.P Pimp C)to do a song off of his mixtape as well. Ryan Leslie killed it to close the show. Fabolous and T.I. were en route but scheduling issues disabled them from performing unfortunately. All in all good time though. Food was good, entertainment....FUN!
Friday Night- Raheem Devaughn was the headliner of the show, and did AaaAaaaalllllll the hits from the first album, "The Love Experience", and the newest one, "Love Behind the Melody". I had a wonderful time, and he puts on a great show!

Saturday- The parade kicked off the festivities, with Tarrance Howard as the Grand Marshall. The Game was proceeded by the annual Greek Step Show, followed by Night 2, of Homecoming with Diddy at Love Nightclub. Big Tigger served as the hypeman to the crowd with the likes of Diddy, Cassie, Day 26, Jackie Long, Brandon T. Jackson, Lance Gross, Ryan Leslie, and more.
In the end, my weekend turned out to be an all around drunken good time! LOL! to see more pics from the weekend, and more footage, you can go to ,, and, and type in Howard Homecoming 2008!
♥ CaLiForNiA LuV
Thursday-Fashion Show was off the chain!! Hot Music,Great Models, and hot clothes! Ye's Fiance, Alexis Phifer's line, GHITA, was featured in the show as well. She had some dope pieces for my ladies!! For more info on GHITA go to!
Friday-HU's annual Yardfest popped off in a major way this year! From top to bottom, we had some amateur acts such as PS out of Chicago, Illinois, and Young Steff out of NYC. Big names such as Keri Hilson, Ace Hood, Trey Songz, Big Kuntry King, Alfamega(another member of T.I's camp), Maino, UCB (a go-go band out of DC) and two of my faves, WaLe, and Ryan Leslie. WaLe killed it, while bringing out famous movie/video director Chris Robinson to film part of WaLe's "Nike Boots" Video @ yardfest!!! He also brought out Bun B(R.I.P Pimp C)to do a song off of his mixtape as well. Ryan Leslie killed it to close the show. Fabolous and T.I. were en route but scheduling issues disabled them from performing unfortunately. All in all good time though. Food was good, entertainment....FUN!
Friday Night- Raheem Devaughn was the headliner of the show, and did AaaAaaaalllllll the hits from the first album, "The Love Experience", and the newest one, "Love Behind the Melody". I had a wonderful time, and he puts on a great show!

Saturday- The parade kicked off the festivities, with Tarrance Howard as the Grand Marshall. The Game was proceeded by the annual Greek Step Show, followed by Night 2, of Homecoming with Diddy at Love Nightclub. Big Tigger served as the hypeman to the crowd with the likes of Diddy, Cassie, Day 26, Jackie Long, Brandon T. Jackson, Lance Gross, Ryan Leslie, and more.
In the end, my weekend turned out to be an all around drunken good time! LOL! to see more pics from the weekend, and more footage, you can go to ,, and, and type in Howard Homecoming 2008!
♥ CaLiForNiA LuV
Greatest Rapper Alive in L.A @ the Palladium 10/15/08
Hov is at it again in my hometown! I would have paid GREAT money to see this live. So, I figured we all could live vicariously through the youtube clip.This is a clip of him doing one of my favorite tracks of his of all time,"Can I Live", and a host of other tracks. Cameos of T.I and DJ AM along with the live band add more pizazz......**SiGh** If you all ever want to do anything special for me, find a way for me to meet S dot.....Enjoy.
♥ CaLiForNiA LuV
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
T-Pain: "Digital"
Jazzanova ft Phonte: "Look What Your Doin To Me"
Unsigned Hype: The Jaspects
With Howard Homecoming in full swing, the unsigned hype is making its mark throughout all the headlining events. Last night, I had a chance to attend the Howard Homecoming Comedy Show, and the opening act was this band called "The Jaspects." Founded at Morehouse University in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia the band gives its fans a taste of hip-hop, mixed with Southern Soul. The name "Jaspects" means: All Aspects of Jazz. Their fly fits and swag add another element to their performance, as they serenade the audience with old and new school.
I absolutely loooove these dudes! Especially when the dude on the electric piano guitar jammed out like he was playing some strings! Too much talent! They did all the hits like "Crush on You, Flashing Lights, Cool Like Dat (Digable Planets for those in the dark) and Good Life". Take a listen, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Enjoy!
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
Kanye West: "Heartless" (Unmastered)
Anthony Hamilton ft David Banner: "Cool"
Thats what Im talkin bout! Some of that recession luvin...
Food For Thought..Beyonce Edition

Have you ever met a celebrity or someone you really admired and then they were a jerk or just not what you expected?
I ask that because the rumors were confirmed today that Beyonce did indeed STRAIGHT JACK her new single "If I were a Boy" from some random ass BC Jean person. This isn't the first time she has done something like this. If you remember she claimed she wrote "Irreplaceable" and then got put on blast after word got out that it was actually written by Ne-Y0.
Now this makes me ask the question: Who are you in real life Beyonce?
For those of you who know me, you know I Love Love Love me some Beyonce, and she comes off so frickin sweet. BUT what do we REALLY know about Beyonce?
Truthfully not a damn thing.
Atleast we know something about the following celebrities:
Kanye West - Spoiled Brat
Suge Knight - Can't Fight
Foxy Brown - A deaf slut
Cam'ron- On the DL
T.I. - Likes to beat it up raw (he has a million kids) and is preparing for war (the small artillery hidden in his home)
O.J. - is a murdering thief
Amy Winehouse- will do any drug known to man
Britney Spears - Never wears underwear
Shaq- a philandering SNITCH
Is Beyonce a "Beautiful Liar"? (Pun Intended)
**Sincerely Serious**
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Beyonce: "Single ladies" (Put a ring on it)
Here is a new one from Ms. Carter that Im pretty sure will have the ladies in the club dancin in their "fu*k em girl dresses"...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Something for the Ladies! (& the extremely cool fellas)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
M.I.A. ft Jay-Z: Boyz (Remix)
Trey Songz : "Bust My Windows" (G-Mix)
T-Songz absolutely flipped Jazmine Sullivan's banger & delivered from the fellas point of view. This joint is a jammer so enjoy...
Lil Wayne ft TI, Tupac, & Rick Ross: "Got A Problem"
How the FU*K did this one slip under my radar???? I cant believe it... Even Liutenant Ross went-in! This mufu*a got eleventy-million spins to & from the Chi... & yeah Im a little excited, but when you hear it you will be too... "Tryna reach my goal like a round ball... Freddy Adu anything for the crown yall" WTF????? (Major shouts to LKG for the put-on!!)
Common ft Pharrell Williams: "Universal Mind Control"
Initially I was a little skepticle about Pharrell producing Common's next LP & there being NO KANYE production. However when I heard this joint I became a believer of the "Seeing Circus" movement. Not to mention this joint was blasting through the speakers while I got tatted back in the summer so it'll always mean something to the kid. (Shouts to Jimmy at Focus!)
Ciara ft T-Pain: "Go Girl"
I first heard this joint a couple weeks back & I was not impressed, however Mick dropped it tonight on the 9:00 mix & this mufu*a bangs in the ride so I felt obligated to post the newly released video of the joint.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Kanye West- "Love Lockdown" (Official Video)
Yea this video is mad weird. Like, What's the point? I got a little "Coming to America", but then in just got enthralled in its weirdness. Take a look and tell me your thoughts fam....
♥ CaLifoRniA LuV
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Step Up Your Fresh!

TODAY yes TODAY was the grand opening of Nordstom Rack in Legacy Village. What is Nordstom Rack you ask???? ONLY the best thing since pants with pockets!!!!!!
It carries the normal merchandise found at Nordstrom but at 30 to 75% discounts. It carries off season merchandise and all the things you missed on sale at Nordstrom in Beachwood place.
Besides the regular great deals look out for the following events at the Legacy store:
TOMORROW: 50-60% off the original prices of women's shoes and clothes
October 16: Special sale on Men's and Women's apparel, shoes, and accesories
October 16: Red dot sale, look for red dots to take an additional 25-60% the lowest marked price
keep this a don't want people to know how you stepp'd up your fresh in the middle of a recession
**Sincerely Serious**
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Kid Cudi Speaks on "808's & Heartbreaks"
As a G.O.O.D. music affiliate Cudi talks about his role on Kanye's next LP & the role Kanye has on Cudi's upcoming album. Needless to say Im super proud of the homey Cudi for representing the crib while getting out his dreams... literally. (Big Ups to Urb)
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