[This is the most you will ever see of "The Man" he is very aloof]
Now that I'm over being salty about the Cavs losing. I will now post my 2cents about how "The Man" is ruining professional basketball. If you watched the regular NBA season you know that certain teams stood out the entire season. Therefore there was no question as to who would dominate the playoffs and eventually make it to the finals. "The Man" also knew this because he knows EVERYTHING.
Now what YOU DONT REALIZE is that "The Man" in his effort to get every dime he possibly can concocked a sinister plan to get the American public to watch the playoffs.
Com'on people think about it WAKE UP!!! There is no reason in HELL the Hawks and Celtics should have played that effin long are you serious!?!? There is no plausible reason the Lakers and ANYBODY should play that long....
SERIOUSLY the HAWKS??? Dude I went to a Hawks game last season, sat in damn near the front row for $22 and got a free hat, hotdog, and 20oz coke...no bullshit..the Hawks aren't worth a pot to piss in!
Seriously even in the Cavs/Celtics series that first game should have opened your eyes to the fact that this shit was fixed. Ray Allen was scoreless for the FIRST TIME SINCE HIS FIRST EVER NBA GAME...Lebron missed EVERYTHING!!!! Common now that's like saying Mark Price can't shoot a three...thats like sayin MJ can't dunk....thats like sayin Charles Barkley aint broke...it was ridiculous...all in the name of making shit interesting to get those commercial dollars, people to fill in the arenas, and watching a effin fixed series.
To be honest I think the first real games will be the Conference Finals....its just ashame that professional sports lack the competitive edge they had back in the mid-early 90's to such an extent that "The Man" would stoop to fixing the playoffs to make it interesting.
Ok I'm done
**Sincerely Serious**
Ive always believed that professional sports were rigged & this is exactly the image of "the man" that I pictured.
thats not the man.....thats a monkey. lol
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