Your favorite rapper on house arrest vehemently (step your vocab game up) denies the purposeful release of "Hunt Em Down." According to Harris, the track, (which you can download here), was never intended for public release and was written almost 2 years ago after the murder of his close friend Philant Johnson.
This is the voicemail message he left for RealTalkNY
Seeing that dude is awaiting senetencing for weapons charges, and is hoping for the 1,500 hours of community service The Man has promised him, of course his ass needed to get on the good foot and deny present participation in anything remotely violent...Ironically juxtapositioned (look it up) with the coming release of the much awaited Paper Trail, I'm sure that ankle bracelet is starting to itch.
***This was post was brought to you by contributing news blogger Sincerely Serious***
*MTV was the first to release a statement from TI*
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big words!!!
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