Author Rob Sheffield is a writer for Rolling Stone (biggest music mag EVER)who felt like he had a story to tell, as a result of the music. "Love is a Mixtape" uses songs off of fifteen of his favorite mixtapes, to describe a time in his life where he shared a relationship with a young lady named, Renee. He basically uses the story of dealing with this great woman in his life, to pay homage toward a decade that has allowed him to appreciate the art of Music. I think the overall concept of this book is too dope. Music plays such a fundamental part in everything that we do in life, and it's interesting to hear someone tell their story about how it has affected them. For more info, go to http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/mixtape/
♥ CaLiForNia LuV
That is a very dope concept... I think I might steal the idea!
dnt be a thief! lol...i really wanna read this book tho. sounds soooo interesting!
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